Sunday, June 21, 2009

Zamtastic and the woods

Zamtastic: the adventures of indiana eric! 

We arrived at 7 in the morning with no problem and passed through custom with no problems. We showed up at our hotel and found out that the power was out for the whole country. 
Later we met with the Zambian Geological Survey and some people from the University of Zambia (UNZA). The food is absolutely amazing, all they eat is meat and fish and dry paste called nshima. For one lunch our driver took us to a local place for lunch where you tell them what meat and fish you want and they cook it there. It may have been the best I have ever had. With that they gave us pumpkin leaves, sweet potato leaves, raw okra, nshima and we had to eat everything with our hands. 
Victoria Falls was amazing, i was living a national geographic magazine. we walked in front of the falls and go completely soaked. there is so much spray you can barely see the actual falls. you can see the spray shooting up from livingstone which is 10 KM away. we took a path that was away from the falls a bit and the view was unbelievable. the only animals we have seen so far are baboons and little baby ones too.

Eric and I got to talk for a little bit on facebook on saturday but thats all the contact we've had. were hoping that he will have more time in the next couple weeks to get online if service is available. He's been staying in some nice lodging so far ill post some links to some of the website later on. Keep prayers up for him as he continues research and for his safety as he works traveling around north Zambia.

Little red riding hood in the woods.

I have been hanging out with my family and its been lots of fun. this past week was really busy, the fam made sure of that.  Laura is starting up her own business so we worked on a website and some other things for her. The website will be up later this week so i expect everyone to go and look at it later :) i turned a quarter of a century this past wed. my parents are amazing and got me a an iphone (not the new one, way too much money). so i have been playing with it. this is also how i was able to talk to eric! he sent a message and i got it while we were out doing  stuff and i was able to chat via facebook on the iphone! oh how wonderful i think technology is right now. 

for fathers day we went to ikea and we found lots of wonderful things! and i have two more days left its sad to think i have to leave soon. its been a great trip. ill only have to work in stillwater for a couple days and then off to sunny CA! ill be keeping ya'll updated as soon as i find out more.